Friday, December 15, 2023

Spirit Week

 Next week, our last before winter break, will be a schoolwide spirit week. Please see below!

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Happy December!


We just finished our expository nonfiction text! We are moving on to an author study on Janell Cannon, where students will be noticing similarities in her writing and illustrations. 

Our December book report will be on a FICTION book at students' personal reading levels. It will be due after winter break on Wednesday, January 10th.


Students have published their narratives. Now, we are starting our nonfiction writing unit. Students will learn about the nonfiction text features and that authors write nonfiction to inform, explain, and even entertain their readers. After reading the mentor texts students will research an animal and will be writing a nonfiction book. 


Students have completed the telling time portion of Module 2, and are now moving on to measuring weight with grams and kilograms, and measuring liquid volume with milliliters and liters. After these topics, students will be learning about rounding to the nearest ten and hundred. We should finished Module 2 before winter break!


Students are still learning about FORCES! They are having a lot of magnet experimentation and reading about answering this main question: Why does the train rise without anything touching it?


  • December book repots are due: Wednesday, January 10.
  • There is a half-day for students on Thursday, December 14. Hynes students are dismissed at noon.
  • There is NO SCHOOL Monday, December 25-Friday, January 5. Happy Winter Break!