Friday, March 11, 2022

Spelling List #21

 Spelling List #21    

1. threw

2. cool

3. foot

4. cook

5. bruise

6. hook

7. tool

8. brook

9. booth

10. school

11. choose

12. balloon

13. cartoon

14. afternoon

15. understood

Friday, March 4, 2022

Spelling List #20

 Spelling List #20   

1. form

2. wore

3. fourth

4. soar

5. warn

6. perfect

7. girl

8. burn

9. work

10. earth

11. bigger

12. finest

13. lonely

14. refill

15. dishonest

March Update

Over the past several weeks, the third graders have been working hard to become fraction experts.  We started with the basics, learning that fractions are parts of a whole and that it is very important that those parts are equal.  They learned the names of different fractional units, such as thirds and fourths.  There has been a lot of new vocabulary in this unit too.  The third graders learned that the top number in a fraction is called the numerator and represents how many parts we are using or are shaded in.  The bottom number is the denominator, which stands for how many equal parts in all.  In our work with these fractions the children have used fraction strips and models to compare fractions, seeing that the more parts a whole is split into, the smaller the parts are.  They have also created fractions that are greater than one whole.  Currently the children are learning how to plot fractions on a number line, with mixed numbers and equivalent fractions in our near future.  Yes, there is a lot going on in math these days, but the third graders are doing great!