Friday, November 17, 2023

Happy November


Students are reading books on expository nonfiction. Students are learning to recognize that the authors of these texts give facts about a topic and organize information in different ways!

Our November book report will be on a nonfiction book at students' personal reading levels. It will be due Friday, December 1st. 


We are finishing up our narratives! Students have been editing and revising with partners. I'm looking forward to seeing and reading their final products. After Thanksgiving break, we will begin our nonfiction writing unit, which begins by reading mentor texts and noticing what nonfiction authors do to engage and inform readers.


Students have completed Module 3 on Multiplication and Division Facts. Please continue to practice these facts at home. We have started Module 2 on time and measurement. Students will learn about telling time and finding elapsed time using a number line. Then students will learn about measuring weight with grams and kilograms, and measuring liquid volume with milliliters and liters. Towards the end of the module, students will be learning about rounding!


We are using a new science program, Amplify Science. The first unit is called Balancing Forces. In this unit, students will be learning about the invisible and visible forces.

There is NO SCHOOL Monday, November 20- Friday, November 24. Happy Thanksgiving!